Save on flights by using our system to learn if now is the right time to book, or if you should
Flights from American Airlines, Delta and British Airways, as well as code-share flights operated by these airlines are currently unavailable.
Stay one move ahead gives you the strategic advantage
by using historical flight data and special algorithm
to let you know what the price should be for your flight.
You can then delay booking, if necessary, until the price
comes within an acceptable range of the target. The savings
can be significant.
Compare departure airports
It is a common belief that the well-known airlines that depart from
your home airport are the best or only options to travel with. This
is rarely the case. There might be airlines that depart from another city that will
get you to your destination for a much lower total price.
Book when the price is right
We don’t handle flight bookings here, we just let you know when to book. Use any site you
want, but we do recommend Expedia as the best and most trustworthy service available. The
prices we show you are from the same system used by most airline websites and online agents.
Price alerts (coming soon)
On you will soon be able to have multiple flights automatically monitored for
you and receive alerts via email. Let the system do the work for you. Make sure you register
and select “Receive email updates” to be kept informed.